Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why is internet dating still sad?

Within the last two decades, the internet has exploded to engulf many aspects of our lives, changing how people communicate, entertain themselves, and handle business indefinitely. The online dating boom followed these trends, forever erasing the stigma of being a loser because you're dating someone that you met on the internet. Everybody's doing it, so surely it's no longer something to be embarrassed about, right? Wrong. If you are female (especially if you're good looking), it's absolutely nothing to be embarrassed over in today's society. Why? It's simple: Everyone knows that women don't have an issue getting laid, even the horrifyingly ugly ones. If you're a male, you probably want to keep that OkCupid or Match profile hush hush, because unfortunately it's nothing to be proud of.

What actually makes this sad is that the general stigma still applies for the men who can't find women in a regular social environment. The very people online dating was made for should still feel ashamed for their participation, although the "hotness of humanity" gets a pass. What makes internet dating sites particularly pitiful to observe are the countless hordes of men who flock there because they have no game in the real world. It's a rough sight to see, because even as it pertains to internet dating only the seemingly attractive, charismatic, and outgoing men are landing anything worth bragging about to their friends. The poor, unkempt, superinternetvirginnerd still ends up batting flies in his room, eating pizza rolls, playing video games, and fantasizing about what it would feel like to hold a girl's hand. Forever alone.

I'm not trying to pick on you gentlemen, I feel for you. I want to help you get laid. I'm a nerd myself - although a gym membership, a persona which conveys confidence, witty vernacular, clothes without video game quotes on them, and a shower every once in a while make me appear attractive and desirable to the opposite sex.

I'm not the douchebag "Pick-Up Artist", so I'll stop right there - but fellas, if you're going to have a dating profile online, you'd better use the same tips you've been given in order to pick up women in the real world. Otherwise, you'll have wasted 12 hours setting up a page and hoping for a response when you could have productively spent that time leveling up in WoW and masturbating. God speed gentlemen.


  1. This reminds me lol I met my now Fiance on a game called Ragnarok Online, internet dating sucks. Especially when you're thousands of miles away. Great read and makes a ton of sense LOL.

  2. Yea dude, internet dating really is sad. I believe its for people who can't even hold a normal conversation with a person face to face.

  3. Internet dating sucks man. Nothing better than the old bars/clubs way.

  4. internet dating. what a freaking joke. Thats why i just go to bars.

  5. You really don't know what you're getting online. Wouldn't bother unless I was like 40 and desparate to get hitched.

  6. Internet dating still holds such a stigma due to the fact, people haven't used it. I've tried it, didn't work for me, but others have used it to great success.

  7. Good post. It's true that internet dating in general is frowned upon by society.

  8. aff I always prefer dating in-real

  9. the only difference with online dating now is that it is SO popular seriously, probably due to the insane amounts of spam and advertisements on literally every other website. still, nice post :)

  10. Ugh. I feel bad for the poor guys that have to turn to this. They must realize that the only women that would be forced to turn to internet dating at the mentally unstable land whales..

  11. great blog following and supporting

  12. Warcraft = loss of life

  13. I don't know why anyone would give a shit about internet dating. I guess its a good way to meet new people with similar interests as yourself if you live in a small town or don't have sociable hobbies.

  14. WoW + Dating Online = New type of drugs for kids and not only :)

  15. it's weird how desperate people get when it comes to getting a loved ones. it's really sad when you think about it

  16. because its just like the real world

  17. lol, dating sites are for desperate people with little time on thier hands... not for people who play video games... Go Outside Pplz!

  18. I wouldn't judge someone for it, I can totally see why someone would want someone to share their life with. The world gets lonely for some people.

    Just annoys me if someone does judge someone for it.

  19. Haha great advice. I love your blog man, your writing style is really awesome. Definitely stands out of the mountain of blogs.

  20. Hey, nothing wrong with dating sites...

    Not like I use em or anything. >_>

  21. dating only works because you get a bigger pool of fish...yet you still have to make the bait's all about money and the looks!

  22. You break it down to pull it back up. You have great points in this post. love it
